1. Proflora 2025 reserves the right of admission for all individuals and entities interested in attending.
  2. Admission decisions will be based on relevance and compliance with internal regulations.
  3. Failure to adhere to these regulations may result in exclusion without the right to a refund.
  4. Proflora reserves the right to change the registration category of individuals and companies if it is determined that the main activity of the company does not correspond to the category selected at the time of registration.
  5. All attendees must wear their credentials, which are personal, non-transferable, and must remain visible at all times. Misuse of credentials will result in immediate expulsion and the confiscation of identification.
  6. Non-exhibitor companies are prohibited from displaying and distributing advertising materials within the exhibition grounds. Non-exhibitor companies and/or individuals who violate this rule may face sanctions, including the removal of their materials and, if necessary, expulsion from the event.
  7. Visitors must pre-register through the website and meet the access requirements.
  8. During their attendance, visitors must behave professionally and respect the established rules. 


  1. Proflora 2025 se reserva el derecho de admisión de todas las personas y entidades interesadas.
  2. Las decisiones de ingreso se basarán en criterios de pertinencia, cumplimiento de normativas internas.
  3. El incumplimiento de estas disposiciones podrá resultar en la exclusión sin derecho a reembolso.
  4. Proflora se reserva el derecho de cambiar la categoría de inscripción de personas y empresas si se determina que la actividad principal de la compañía no corresponde con la categoría seleccionada en el momento del registro.
  5. Todas las personas deberán portar las credenciales las cuales son personales e intransferibles, visibles en todo momento. El uso indebido de las credenciales implicará la expulsión inmediata y la retención de la identificación.
  6. Las empresas no expositoras tienen prohibido exhibir y distribuir material publicitario dentro del recinto ferial. Las empresas y/o personas no expositoras que infrinjan esta norma podrán ser sancionadas con la retirada de su material y, si es necesario, la expulsión del evento.
  7. Los visitantes deberán registrarse previamente a través la página web y cumplir con los requisitos de acceso.
  8. Durante su permanencia, deberán comportarse profesionalmente y respetar las normas establecidas.

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Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy sets out the terms under which Proflora uses and protects the information provided by its users when using its website. This company is committed to the security of its users’ data. When we ask you to fill in personal information fields by which you can be identified, we do so ensuring that it will only be used in accordance with the terms of this document. However, this Privacy Policy may change over time or be updated, so we recommend and emphasize reviewing this page continuously to ensure you agree with any changes.

Information Collected

Our website may collect personal information such as your name, contact information including your email address, and demographic information. Additionally, when necessary, specific information may be required to process an order or perform a delivery or billing.

Use of Collected Information

Our website uses the information to provide the best possible service, particularly to maintain a user record, manage orders if applicable, and improve our products and services. Periodic emails may be sent through our website with special offers, new products, and other advertising information we consider relevant to you or that may benefit you. These emails will be sent to the address you provide and can be canceled at any time.

Proflora is highly committed to fulfilling its commitment to keeping your information secure. We use advanced systems that are constantly updated to ensure no unauthorized access.


A cookie is a file sent with the purpose of requesting permission to be stored on your computer. By accepting this file, the cookie is created and helps analyze web traffic or recognize you when you visit a particular site. Cookies allow websites to provide personalized services.

Our website uses cookies to identify the pages visited and their frequency. This information is used solely for statistical analysis and is then permanently deleted. You can delete cookies at any time from your computer. However, cookies help provide better website services and do not give access to information from your computer or about you unless you provide it directly. You can accept or decline the use of cookies, but most browsers accept cookies automatically as they help provide a better web experience. You can also adjust your computer settings to decline cookies. If cookies are declined, some of our services may not function properly.

Links to Third Parties

This website may contain links to other sites of interest. Once you click on these links and leave our page, we no longer have control over the site to which you are redirected and, therefore, are not responsible for the terms, privacy, or data protection on those third-party sites. Such sites are subject to their own privacy policies, so it is advisable to review them to ensure you agree with their terms.

Controlling Your Personal Information

At any time, you can restrict the collection or use of personal information provided to our website. Each time you are asked to fill out a form, such as a user registration form, you can check or uncheck the option to receive information via email. In case.